More from Southend Beach Jesmonite and earth pigments 52×19×19 cm £825.00 About Manny Woodard Manny is fascinated with the subtle interplay between people, their thoughts and their environments and uses her art to convey the emotion of these moments. Initially embracing black and white drawings, using charcoal, conté or pencil, Manny has also developed beautiful, soulful sculptures of seemly ordinary people caught in a moment of time. Conceptualized in maquette, then sculpted in clay, plaster or wax Manny creates textural surfaces using her hands, metal tools and found natural objects. She embraces the random marks that are created in the process and finds beauty in the imperfections. Her figures vary – some stand alone, contemplative off the passage of time, feet planted solidly on the ground, whilst others display couples, with their bodies lightly touching and their forms merging into each other, some a tantalizing balance between a caress and aggression.

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