Buy Art Club NFTs | The Power of Avatars |

Join us for an insightful conversation about the power of NFT avatars and trends in the crypto world that have permeated pop culture. Samantha Hissong, Digital Culture Editor at Rolling Stone, GMoney, NFT investor and collector, Kenny Schachter, artist, writer, lecturer and curator and Michael Bouhanna, Sotheby's Co-Head of Digital Art Sales are shedding light on concepts around the ownership economy, self-expression, and communities within the space as well as creator royalties. The panel also discusses Sotheby's recently launched Queen+Kings by Hackatao, which aims to encourage crypto collectors and the NFT community to express themselves creatively through active participation and engagement.

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Join us for an insightful conversation about the power of NFT avatars and trends in the crypto world that have permeated pop culture. Samantha Hissong, Digital Culture Editor at Rolling Stone, GMoney, NFT investor and collector, Kenny Schachter, artist, writer, lecturer and curator and Michael Bouhanna, Sotheby's Co-Head of Digital Art Sales are shedding light on concepts around the ownership economy, self-expression, and communities within the space as well as creator royalties. The panel also discusses Sotheby's recently launched Queen+Kings by Hackatao, which aims to encourage crypto collectors and the NFT community to express themselves creatively through active participation and engagement.





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